Customers search the online catalogue of European Villas and when they have found a property they are interested in, they fill in a form with their contact details and, simply by sending it, they submit the booking. The client automatically gets an e-mail message saying that their booking will expire within 48 hours, if in the meantime he does not get in touch with you, to confirm it.
When our client submits their bookings via the web, our booking program registers an option on the property in Cuendet's backend system. A warning e-mail is sent to, saying that Mr. "XYZ" has made the booking number "000" on the property "M5M5M5" and the client's contact details.
We then contact the client directly and confirm that they wish to purchase. Cuendet's backend payment system is complex, so I suggest contacting them by email or phone to continue the booking process.